4 February 2024 | The Namibia Media Trust (NMT) expresses its deepest condolences on the passing of President Dr. Hage Gottfried Geingob, President of the Republic of Namibia. In this sombre moment, it is essential to reflect on his profound commitment to press freedom, a cornerstone of his legacy that has positively shaped the media landscape in Namibia.
News Blog
Recent news around Civil Society Organisations in Namibia
Dear Esteemed Stakeholder, the Civil Society Inofrmation Centre Namibia (CIVIC +264) wishes you the best for the festive season and a joyous new year! Kindly take note that the CIVIC +264 office will be closed from 22 December 2023 to 5 January 2024. We will re-open again on 8 January 2024. We wish you a happy and healthy holiday.
The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) and Centre for Civil and Political Rights (CCPR) invites Namibian civil society representatives to contribute to a report that will be submitted to the UN Human Rights Committee for discussion when Namibia appears before the committee in March 2024.
New call for projects on Business and Human Rights, and discrimination based on gender or religion: https://webgate.ec.europa.eu/online-services/#/ - Information Session: 9 November 2023 - Send an email to register to INTPA-G1@ec.europa.eu indicating: name, surname, nationality and email address of the persons who are going to participate and their organisation (max. two participants per organisation)
Dear Partner / Stakeholder,
You are invited to attend our upcoming publication launch Channels for Change: A Guide to Setting Up Civil Society Organisations in Namibia written by Dianne Hubbard for the Civil Society Information Centre Namibia (CIVIC +264).
Dear Civil Society Colleague, the Civil Society Information Centre Namibia (CIVIC +264) is preparing the 4th Edition of the Guide to Civil Society in Namibia: An Overview of the Mandate and Activities of Civil Society Organisations in Namibia. We are looking forward to the possibility of featuring your organisation. The Guide aims to introduce stakeholders to dedicated non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society organisations (CSOs), highlighting their mandates, activities, contact details and the sectors in which they operate.
ReachOut Namibia Charity Foundation will be hosting its second NGO Seminar under the theme: "Optimizing engagement for impact". The Seminar will see the presence of various Namibian NGOs, Community Based organizations and Charity organizations, sharing impact stories, challenges and how to better serve their respective communities. The event is scheduled for Saturday 28 October 2023, and will take place in Rundu, Kavango East Region.
INVITATION | The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) seeks to develop a toolkit to help civil society actors to navigate access to information systems and processes that will be rolled out with the implementation of the Access to Information Act of 2022.
Please take note that the FIC will be hosting a Consultation Session tomorrow, 22 September from 09:00 to 12:00 at the Hilton Hotel Windhoek. This session is open to both CSOs/NPOs and Churches/FBOs and will serve as a feedback session on the questions, comments and concerns from the briefing meeting earlier this week. Mr Kristian Hamutenya, Deputy Director: Compliance Supervision & Strategic Analysis Division, will be in attendance.
Reference is made to the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) notice CALLING ON ALL NON-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS: REGISTRATION DEADLINE WITH THE FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE CENTRE AND FILING ANNUAL RETURNS. Faith-based organisations (FBOs), religious bodies and NPOs involved in charitable services are all required to register with the FIC no later than 29 September 2023: https://www.civic264.org.na/news/general-news/fic-calling-on-all-non-profit-organisations-registration-deadline-with-the-financial-intelligence-centre-and-filing-annual-returns-29-september-2023