• Wildlife
  • Namibia Animal Rehabilitation Research and Education Centre (NARREC)

Namibia Animal Rehabilitation Research and Education Centre (NARREC)

Namibia Animal Rehabilitation Research and Education Centre (NARREC)
Address: Brakwater, Windhoek, Khomas, Namibia
Contact person
Project Coordinator
Liz Komen
  • Business Details
  • Map

More than 25 years ago the Namibia Animal Rehabilitation Research and Education Centre (NARREC) opened its doors for intakes of injured, orphaned and misplaced wildlife. Animal rescue, care and rehabilitation, together with public education, have been NARREC's mandate over these past years. Although the intake focus has narrowed, NARREC makes every attempt to assist and advise a rescuer in order to secure every animal's immediate comfort and also to direct the person to the correct facility.

While the safeguarding of the health and welfare of all animals takes priority at NARREC, it has been found that focusing on a specific group of animals allows for the implementation of best practices. NARREC's focus is on birds of prey, a group that is often at the end of a food chain and that is subject to a number of factors that not only threaten the future survival of their populations but also endanger biodiversity in general. One of the most serious of such threats to biodiversity is the use, misuse and abuse of chemicals. Scavenging birds of prey are especially vulnerable, and in some cases, they are severely threatened, even endangered, by pesticides, poisons and some livestock pharmaceutical treatments.

NARREC does not work in isolation and the generous support of government and non-government persons and organizations that continue to be involved in the ongoing efforts to secure the future safety of our biodiversity is gratefully acknowledged.

Visitors to the NARREC centre are welcome.

NARREC is situated in Brakwater, 23 kilometres north of Windhoek.

From Windhoek travel north towards Okahandja on the B1 highway.
Exit at the first Brakwater turn-off (weigh bridge).
Follow the signs to Brakwater, left at the top of the exit ramp and right at the crossroad.
Continue for 5.5km going north towards Okahandja. This is a tar road parallel to the B1 highway.
Turn left (west) onto a dirt road, the Brakwater South Road (see NARREC sign, and many other signs).
After 1.5km turn left at a NARREC sign (also sign posted to Reiser Taxidermy).
Keep left at any unmarked fork to the end of the road, about 3km.
Welcome to NARREC

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