UNESCO Windhoek Office Newsletter: January - June 2021
The UNESCO Windhoek Office recently published the first issue of their 2021 Newsletter (January - June 2021). The Newsletter highlights the main activities that the UNESCO Windhoek Office carried out in the first quarter of the year - some of which may be of interest to civil society.
The Newsletter specifically covers: -
the World Day for African and Afrodescendant Culture;
the International Day for Women and Girls in Science: Addressing and Transforming the Gender Gap;
the World Radio Day: “New World, New Radio”;
the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage in Africa;
the World Water Day: How Valuable is Water to You?;
the Celebration on the Inscription of “Aixan/Gana/Ob#ANS TSI //Khasigu” the Nama Ancestral Musical Sound Knowledge and Skills on to the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage;
the Launch of the National Strategy on ‘Sustainable Heritage Tourism Development and Employment Creation Opportunities at Community Level in Namibia’;
the 10th Anniversary of International Jazz Day Namibia Celebrates its Oldest Jazz Band;
the International Day of Sport for Development and Peace; and
the World Press Freedom Day 2021: 30th Anniversary of the Windhoek Declaration.
Regarding the International Jazz Day (IJD), the UNESCO Windhoek Office outlines that IJD was proclaimed in the 2011 UNESCO General Conference with the intention of raising awareness in the international community of the virtues of jazz as an educational tool and a force for enhanced cooperation among people. Adding, "Many governments, civil society organizations, educational institutions and private citizens engaged in the promotion of jazz music embrace the opportunity to foster greater appreciation not only for the music but also for the contribution it can make to building more inclusive societies" (UNESCO, 2021).
Link to the Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/01b23434b454/unesco-windhoek-office-newsletter-jan-may-13414059?e=[UNIQID]
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