Civil Society Organisations in Namibia

Please find an overview of active Civil Society Organisations in Namibia. 

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Results 1 - 100 of 115



1. Access to Information Namibia (ACTION) Coalition

 Windhoek, Khomas 
ACTION was founded in 2012, with a vision to foster a knowledge-based society through access to information. More Info

2. African Pathfinder Leaders Initiative (APLI)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
APLI works to provide relevant and thorough leadership development opportunities for young people that will empower and enable them to be active contributors to socio-economic advancement in their communities. More Info

3. AIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa (ARASA)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The AIDS and Rights Alliance for Southern Africa (ARASA) conducts its work in a multi-dimensional, multi-level and multi-directional operational approach under two programme areas, namely (i) capacity strengthening; and (ii) advocacy. More Info

4. Arts Performance Centre (APC)

 Tsumeb, Oshikoto 
The Arts Performance Centre (APC) is a Tsumeb-based Section 21 / Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) established in 2003. APC is the biggest centre built on Tsumeb Municipality premises with 17 huts for music, a repair workshop and an Art gallery. More Info
 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Association for Children with Language, Speech and Hearing Impairments of Namibia (CLaSH) was formed in 1989 as a self-help group for parents. It has since become a well-respected service provider. More Info

6. Autism Association of Namibia (AAN)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Autism Association of Namibia's (ANN) main aim is to provide support and assistance as well as training in the field of autism to parents and professionals. More Info

7. Basic Income Grant (BIG) Coalition Namibia

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Basic Income Grant campaign, which aims at achieving the introduction of a Basic Income Grant in Namibia, has to date been the biggest civil society project united in fighting poverty. More Info

8. Beekeeping Association of Namibia

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The BEEKEEPING ASSOCIATION OF NAMIBIA acts as the national spokesperson for the beekeeping industry, by representing and promoting it and creating enabling environments for development nationally and globally. More Info

9. Catholic AIDS Action (CAA) Trust

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Catholic AIDS Action (CAA) Trust has grown to be one of the largest civil society organizations, responding to the HIV and AIDS nationwide. CAA is implementing community-based interventions across the country. More Info

10. Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF)

 Otjiwarongo, Otjozondjupa 
The Cheetah Conservation Fund (CCF) is an international not-for-profit organization registered in Namibia, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia and the Italy. More Info

11. Children’s Home Namibia e. V.

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The charity raises funds and supports institutions who give needy and disadvantaged children a home. It supports young mothers in need, as well as pupils and students. More Info

12. ChiNamibia Arts Education for Development

 Windhoek, Khomas Region 
We educate, empower and develop children and young people through arts and culture. More Info

13. Church Alliance for Orphans (CAFO) Namibia

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Church Alliance for Orphans (CAFO) is a network of faith-based and community-based projects providing services to orphans and other vulnerable children. More Info

14. CIC NAMIBIA Delegation

 Windhoek, Khomas 
CIC Namibia is a subsidiary entity of the Int. Council for Game & Wildlife Conservation (CIC) aimed at promoting & supporting the conservation of wildlife and related landscapes, local communities, & traditions through sustainable use, including hunting. More Info

15. Comrades Association (CA)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Comrades Association (CA) is a youth-led voluntary association that is mandated by a constitution to educate fellow youth with civic knowledge, skills, and to respect of rule of law. CA was established in 2021. More Info

16. Council of Churches in Namibia (CCN)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Council of Churches in Namibia (CCN) is the umbrella of all major churches in Namibia. More Info

17. David Kasume Community Development Organisation (DKCDO)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
DKCDO is a Namibian Certified WO 217 with a focus on sustainable community development. We work to empower persons and individuals from the vulnerable and minority communities . More Info

18. Desert Research Foundation of Namibia (DRFN)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Desert Research Foundation of Namibia was established to support research but also to address sustainable development throughout arid lands. More Info

19. Desk for Social Development - Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Republic of Namibia (DfSD-ELCRN)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
To provide effective and constant empowering assistance to ELCRN’s development and self-reliance projects as well as partnerships. More Info

20. Development Aid from People to People (DAPP) Namibia

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The objective of Development Aid from People to People (DAPP) Namibia is to “carry out welfare and development work of any nature and assist the people of Namibia to improve the quality of life in the country. More Info

21. Development Workshop Namibia (DWN)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
DWN is a Namibian Trust with a focus on sustainable urban development. With offices across Namibia, DWN assists local authorities in the delivery of affordable land for housing, urban sanitation and Early Childhood Development (ECD). More Info

22. Down Syndrome Association of Namibia

 Windhoek, Khomas 
Down Syndrome Association of Namibia (DSAN) provides information and support to all people with Down Syndrome in Namibia, and their families and/or caretakers. DSAN was launched in October 2012. More Info

23. Economic Association of Namibia

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Economic Association of Namibia is a Namibian Think Tank that has several objectives, from policy input and development, to public awareness and education, to academic research and mentoring. More Info

24. Ecumenical Social Services (EcSOS)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
Ecumenical Social Services (EcSOS) is a network of social service programmes that work together to empower Christian charities and church (diaconal) communities to render better services to residents of Namibia. More Info

25. Editors’ Forum of Namibia (EFN)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Editors’ Forum of Namibia (EFN) is a non-profit, non-governmental voluntary organisation comprising editors and senior journalists of Namibia’s print, broadcasting and online media. The EFN is committed to a programme of action to defend and prom More Info

26. EduVentures Trust

 Windhoek, Khomas 
EduVentures was started in 2003 as an educational and data gathering initiative of the National Museum of Namibia (NMN) and the Immanuel Shifidi Secondary School in Katutura. More Info

27. Eloolo Permaculture Initiative

 Windhoek, Khomas 
Our vision is for people to live in healthy communities based on resilient food systems. More Info

28. Epilepsy Namibia

 Windhoek, Khomas 
An organization of and for people with epilepsy in Namibia. Empowering people with epilepsy to take their place in their communities. More Info

29. FaithValley Christian Center

 Lüderitz, ||Kharas Region 
FaithValley Christian Center was established on 14 March 2020 with the aim of reaching the children and youth of the Lüderitz community and creating a better environment for them. More Info

30. Fridays For Future (FFF) Windhoek

 Windhoek, Khomas 
We are the youth-led organisation advocating for fast and effective climate solutions, energy shift towards a sustainable system as well as social-environmental issues. More Info

31. Giraffe Conservation Foundation (GCF)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Giraffe Conservation Foundation (GCF) is the only NGO in the world that concentrates solely on the conservation and management of giraffe in the wild throughout Africa. More Info

32. Gobabeb - Namib Research Institute

 Walvis Bay, Erongo 
Gobabeb is a catalyst for gathering, understanding and sharing knowledge about arid environments, especially the hyperarid Namib Desert. We are committed to skills development of emerging environmental specialists and decision-makers. More Info

33. Hardap Region Civil Society Organizations Network

 Rehoboth, Hardap 
The Hardap Region Civil Society Organizations Network is a network that represents the interests of civil society organizations in the Hardap Region. The network empowers civil society organizations through skills trainings. More Info

34. Have-a-Heart: Spay and Neuter Project

 Swakopmund, Erongo 
Have-a-Heart is partnering with vets in Namibia to provide free sterilisation services and basic medical care to dogs and cats of caring low and no income families, thus eliminating the need for traumatic mass euthanasia or killing. More Info

35. Home of the Arts (HOTA)

 Rundu, Kavango East 
Not-for-profit organization. Established in December 2017. Located in the town of Rundu. HOTA exists to promote and strengthen the development of various forms of arts targeting mostly the youth through a “Learn | Create | Market” philosophy. More Info

36. Institute for Public Policy Research

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The IPPR is independent of government, political parties, commercial interests, trade unions and other interest groups. The Institute is governed by a Board of Directors drawn from different areas of Namibian society. More Info

37. Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation (IRDNC)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation (IRDNC) works in Namibia and has pioneered one of Africa’s leading models of community-based natural resource management. More Info

38. Internet Society (ISOC) Namibia Chapter

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Internet Society (ISOC) Namibia promotes and supports the development of the internet as a global technical infrastructure, a resource to enrich people’s lives. More Info

39. IntraHealth Namibia

 Windhoek, Khomas 
IntraHealth Namibia (IHN) is a non-profit organisation that was registered in July 2014, to improve access to quality health service and information for communities and families in need throughout Namibia. More Info


 Windhoek, Khomas 
​KAYEC (Registered Trust 205/99) is a Namibian non-profit organisation, opened in 1995 by Founding Father Dr Sam Nujoma, as an initiative of the Anglican and Lutheran Churches. It runs leading nationwide programs to invest in the future of the Youth. More Info

41. Labour Resource and Research Institute (LaRRI)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Labour Resource and Research Institute (LaRRI) is a vibrant Namibian based research and education institute committed to the overall political and economic independence of all working people in Namibia and beyond. More Info

42. Legal Assistance Centre

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Legal Assistance Centre is a public interest law firm based in Windhoek.The LAC only takes on public interest cases. More Info

43. LifeLine ChildLine Namibia

 Windhoek, Khomas 
LifeLine/ChildLine Namibia is a registered Welfare Organisation and NGO whose purpose is ‘safer, healthier, more resilient children, families and communities in Namibia’. More Info

44. Light for the Children Foundation, W.O. 427

 Gobabis, Omaheke 
Founded in 1999, Light for the Children Foundation serves orphaned and vulnerable children in the Omaheke Region. The organisation equips and enables locals to answer their community's needs. Everyone has a part to play. More Info

45. Lithon Foundation

 Windhoek, Khomas 
To identify and build relationships with Not-for-Profit Organisations, ensure they receive the desired training and mentorship to excel to the next servicing level and create platforms to network with like-minded business, GRN and church leaders. More Info

46. Living Culture Foundation Namibia (LCFN)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Living Culture Foundation Namibia (LCFN) is a non-profit, German-Namibian organization, which focuses on cultural cooperation in rural areas in Namibia. The LCFN helps Namibian communities to establish Living Museums. More Info

47. Lüderitz Disability Centre

 Lüderitz, //Karas 
The Lüderitz Disability Centre (LDC) was founded in 2014 with a vision to reach and unite all persons with disabilities in the ///Kharas region. More Info

48. Media and Information Literacy Learning Initiative (MiLLi*) Trust

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Media and Information Literacy Learning Initiative (MiLLi*) Trust is a non-profit initiative that aims to foster media and information literacy in the youth of Namibia. More Info

49. MPower Community Trust Namibia

 Walvis Bay, Erongo 
MPower Community Trust is a community-based non-profit organisation that advances the health and human rights of LGBTIQ+ and male commercial sex workers in the Erongo, Otjozondjupa and Khomas regions of Namibia. More Info

50. MSR (Men on the Side of the Road)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
We are a non-profit, non-governmental organisation that is actively working to connect people to employment opportunities. More Info

51. Museums Association of Namibia

 Windhoek, Khomas 
Launched in 1990, MAN is a Non-Governmental, community development focussed organisation representing museums and heritage, institutions and practitioners throughout Namibia. More Info

52. Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust (NaDEET)

 Swakopmund, Erongo 
The Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust (NaDEET) is a non-profit, Namibian trust established in 2003. More Info

53. Namibia Agricultural Union (NAU)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Namibia Agricultural Union (NAU) is part of organized agriculture in Namibia serving the interest of its members and partners as a mouthpiece for farmers. More Info

54. Namibia Animal Rehabilitation Research and Education Centre (NARREC)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Namibia Animal Rehabilitation, Research and Education centre (NARREC) is a non-profit organization based on the outskirts of Windhoek, providing relief to rescued animals that have been injured, orphaned or in some way displaced. More Info

55. Namibia Association of Children with Disabilities (NACD)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
NACD wants to fight for the rights of children with disabilities, integrate them in society and realize equal opportunities for all. More Info

56. Namibia Development Trust (NDT)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Namibia Development Trust (NDT) was registered on 21st of March in 1989 under the Trusts Monies Act of 1934, NDT is a non-Governmental Organisation. More Info

57. Namibia Diverse Women's Association (NDWA)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
Namibia Diverse Women's Association (NDWA) works with persons who identify within and beyond their sex, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression and sexual characteristics as women, girls and Trans-Diverse persons. More Info

58. Namibia Economic Society (NES)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Namibia Economic Society (NES) overall constitutional objective is to promote greater economic awareness and to enhance economic policy discourse. More Info

59. Namibia Equal Rights Movement (Equal Namibia)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Namibia Equal Rights Movement (Equal Namibia) is a youth-led social movement for equality, championed by grassroots activists and community organizers, and supported by a coalition of civil society organisations. More Info

60. Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID)

 Windhoek, Khomas Region 
Providing capacity-building programmes for local organisations and public institutions. Conducting or facilitating research, surveys and studies on contemporary social and political issues in Namibia. Project design and implementation. More Info

61. Namibia National Farmers Union (NNFU)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Voice of Namibian Farmers, the Namibia National Farmers Union (NNFU) is a national federation of regional farmers unions. It was established in June 1992 to serve as a mouthpiece for Namibian communal and emerging farmers. More Info

62. Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF) is Namibia's leading, conservation and sustainable development, non-governmental organisation (NGO). More Info

63. Namibia Red Cross Society (NRCS)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Namibia Red Cross Society is a national humanitarian organization, established by an Act of Parliament, Act 16 of 1991 following Namibia’s independence, as a National Society auxiliary to public authorities. More Info

64. Namibia Scientific Society

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The was founded in 1925 as a non-governmental, non-profit member’s organisation. More Info

65. Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Namibian Association of Community Based Natural Resource Management (CBNRM) Support Organisations (NACSO) is an association comprising 8 Non-Government Organisations (NGOs) and the University of Namibia. More Info

66. Namibian Chamber of Environment (NCE)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Namibian Chamber of Environment (NCE) is an umbrella Association that provides a forum and mouthpiece for the broader environment sector. More Info

67. Namibian Child Rights Network (NCRN)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Namibian Child Rights Network’s (NCRN) envisions a country where all children enjoy their rights as defined in the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of Children. More Info

68. Namibian Education Coalition for Civil Society Organisations (NECCSO)

The Namibian Education Coalition for Civil Society Organisations (NECCSO) is a network of civil society stakeholders in education or which have a keen interest in educational matters. More Info

69. Namibian Environment & Wildlife Society (NEWS)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Namibian Environment and Wildlife Society (NEWS) is a membership-based, non-profit organisation. NEWS is open to anyone with an interest in our environment. More Info

70. Namibian National Association of the Deaf (NNAD)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
A welfare organisation registered with the Ministry of Health and Social Service WO:84, (1991) is an ordinary member of the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD) that has a consultive seat on the UN. More Info

71. Namibian Partnership Solutions (NPS)

Namibian Partnership Solutions (NPS) is a non-governmental organization which specializes in creating sustainable solutions to the most challenging situations. More Info

72. Namibian Rural Women Assembly (NRWA)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Namibian Rural Women's Assembly (NRWA) was founded in 2010 and is a group of 28 women who are dedicated to empowering and improving living conditions for rural women across Namibia. More Info

73. National Federation of People with Disabilities in Namibia (NFPDN)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The National Federation of People with Disabilities in Namibia (NFPDN) was established in 1991 to advocate for the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities in Namibia and has executed many projects over the past two decades. More Info

74. National Youth Climate Action Network of Namibia (Youth4CAN)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
Youth-led climate change network with representation from all 14 regions of Namibia. The mandate of the National Youth Climate Action Network is to promote radical youth-led climate actions towards sustainable development and a climate-resilient Namibia. More Info

75. National Youth Sports Development Platform (NYSDP)

 Nkurenkuru, Kavango West 
The National Youth Sports Development Platform (NYSDP) is non-governmental grassroots sports development organization that uses sport as a vehicle to advocate for social and personal change, thus contributing to a healthy living community. More Info

76. NMT Media Foundation

 Windhoek, Khomas 
Our objectives are to support public interest journalism, enhance citizen participation, advocate for human rights, foster partnerships, promote media accountability, and advance gender equity. More Info

77. Nutrition and Food Security Alliance of Namibia (NAFSAN)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Nutrition and Food Security Alliance of Namibia (NAFSAN) was established on 18 October 2019, as a national platform that brings together civil society, academia, the private sector and committed individuals. More Info

78. Okahandja Samaritans Network (OSN)

 Okahandja, Otjozondjupa 
The Okahandja Samaritans Network (OSN) is a community-based, non-profit making organisation established in 2001 and registered with the Ministry of Health and Social Services. We are serving the community of Okahandja and surrounding areas. More Info

79. Omaheke Innovation Village (The O-Space)

 Gobabis, Omaheke 
The Omaheke Innovation Village, trading as The O-Space, is an established NGO operating since late 2020 but officially launched in June 2021 via support of the Omaheke Region Office of the Governor. More Info

80. Omake Charity Organization

 Otjiwarongo, Otjozondjupa 
The Omake Charity Organization is founded on the principle of philanthropy by a group of young, dynamic professionals who share in compassion for the impoverished. More Info

81. Ombetja Yehinga Organisation Trust

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The organisation aims at using the arts—both visual and performing—to create awareness and mitigate the impact of the HIV/AIDS pandemic and other social problems such as domestic violence, rape, and the abuse of alcohol and other drugs... More Info

82. Omnicare Trust

 Windhoek, Khomas 
Omnicare Trust, is a Namibian not-for-profit organization, is on a dedicated mission to enhance healthcare accessibility and quality within resource-poor Namibian communities. More Info

83. Out-Right Namibia (ORN)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
Out-Right Namibia (ORN) is the leading Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBTI) human rights organisation in Namibia established by member mandate that aims to be a united movement of sexual and gender diverse people. More Info

84. Pally Creative Empowerment Foundation (PCEF)

 Ongwediva, Oshana 
The Pally Creative Empowerment Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering young writers, creatives, and entrepreneurs by offering mentorship, skill-building programs, and resources to transform their ideas into successful projects. More Info

85. Philippi Trust Namibia (PTN)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
Philippi Trust Namibia is a chapter of the Philippi Trust, an organisation founded in the UK. Established in 1996, the Namibian chapter was registered as a charity in 1999. More Info

86. Physically Active Youth (PAY) Namibia

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Physically Active Youth (PAY) Namibia programme is a community-based strategy to help support and facilitate the healthy development of youth in risk context in low-income neighbourhoods in Namibia. More Info

87. Positive Vibes (PV) Namibia

 Windhoek, Khomas 
Positive Vibes (PV) is an organisation working primarily in Africa, expanding into The Middle East & South-East Asia. We are connected to global partners and international movements More Info

88. Project HOPE Namibia (PHN)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
Project HOPE Namibia (PHN) is a welfare organisation implementing programs in Namibia since 2002. The organisation is currently operating in nine of fourteen regions of Namibia. More Info

89. Radical Emancipation And Leadership Development Club (REAL DC)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Radical Emancipation And Leadership Development Club (REAL DC) is a community development organization that mobilizes grassroot youth around social issues that affect them, current focus is on : The boychild, child neglect, youth unemployment. More Info

90. ReachOut Namibia Charity Foundation (RONA)

 Tsumeb, Oshikoto 
ReachOut Namibia Charity Foundation (RONA) is a nonprofit organization focused on empowering underprivileged children in Namibia by improving access to education, enhancing learning opportunities, and supporting career development. More Info

91. Regain Trust

 Windhoek, Khomas 
Regain Trust is a registered non-profit trust that implements activities to promote gender equality, empower women and girls and address key development challenges such as GBV and Sexual and Reproductive Health Issues. More Info


 Windhoek, Khomas 
RISE Namibia is an indigenous NGO. It is a community development process facilitator, a catalyst, that works with households and CBOs, building capacity to enable people to take charge of their own destiny/improve livelihoods & to build resilience. More Info

93. Save the Rhino Trust (SRT) Namibia

 Brandberg, Kunene 
The Save the Rhino Trust (SRT) Namibia was founded in 1982 with the mandate to monitor and conduct research on the desert-dwelling rhinos in the Kunene region. More Info

94. Scouts of Namibia

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Scouts of Namibia is a youth organisation dedicated to developing leaders through educational experiences. We empower young people with essential life skills, character development, and a sense of responsibility. More Info

95. Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia (SDFN), supported by Namibia Housing Action Group (NHAG) Trust

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia (SDFN) is a community-based network of housing saving schemes, aiming to improve the living conditions of urban and rural poor. SDFN is an affiliate of Shack/Slum Dwellers International (SDI). More Info

96. Sister Namibia

 Windhoek, Khomas 
Sister Namibia has been amplifying women’s voices since 1989. From a focus on inclusion in a democratic post-colonial society back then, to a focus on responding to our realities on the ground now. More Info

97. Social Enabled Education (SEE) Namibia

 Windhoek, Khomas 
Social Enabled Education, previously known as "I am Voting Namibia", is a youth led civic organization that focuses on civic education, voters education and involvement of the youth in democratic processes. More Info

98. Society for Family Health (SFH)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Society for Family Health (SFH) is a registered trust operating in Namibia since 1997 as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO). More Info

99. SOS Children's Villages Namibia

 Windhoek, Khomas 
SOS Namibia's mission is to build families for children in need, SOS Namibia helps children shape their own futures, and SOS Namibia shares in the development of children's communities. More Info

100. Tangeni Shilongo Namibia

 Swakopmund, Erongo 
The German-Namibian NGO “Tangeni Shilongo Namibia” has the vision of providing as many children and young persons in Namibia as possible, regardless of the financial situation of the family, with a realistic and fair opportunity for good education. More Info

Civil Society Organisations in Namibia

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