Civil Society Organisations in Namibia

Please find an overview of active Civil Society Organisations in Namibia. 

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Results 1 - 14 of 14



1. David Kasume Community Development Organisation (DKCDO)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
DKCDO is a Namibian Certified WO 217 with a focus on sustainable community development. We work to empower persons and individuals from the vulnerable and minority communities . More Info

2. Desk for Social Development - Evangelical Lutheran Church in the Republic of Namibia (DfSD-ELCRN)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
To provide effective and constant empowering assistance to ELCRN’s development and self-reliance projects as well as partnerships. More Info

3. Development Aid from People to People (DAPP) Namibia

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The objective of Development Aid from People to People (DAPP) Namibia is to “carry out welfare and development work of any nature and assist the people of Namibia to improve the quality of life in the country. More Info

4. Development Workshop Namibia (DWN)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
DWN is a Namibian Trust with a focus on sustainable urban development. With offices across Namibia, DWN assists local authorities in the delivery of affordable land for housing, urban sanitation and Early Childhood Development (ECD). More Info

5. Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation (IRDNC)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Integrated Rural Development and Nature Conservation (IRDNC) works in Namibia and has pioneered one of Africa’s leading models of community-based natural resource management. More Info

6. Namibia Development Trust (NDT)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Namibia Development Trust (NDT) was registered on 21st of March in 1989 under the Trusts Monies Act of 1934, NDT is a non-Governmental Organisation. More Info

7. Namibia National Farmers Union (NNFU)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Voice of Namibian Farmers, the Namibia National Farmers Union (NNFU) is a national federation of regional farmers unions. It was established in June 1992 to serve as a mouthpiece for Namibian communal and emerging farmers. More Info

8. Namibian Rural Women Assembly (NRWA)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Namibian Rural Women's Assembly (NRWA) was founded in 2010 and is a group of 28 women who are dedicated to empowering and improving living conditions for rural women across Namibia. More Info

9. National Youth Climate Action Network of Namibia (Youth4CAN)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
Youth-led climate change network with representation from all 14 regions of Namibia. The mandate of the National Youth Climate Action Network is to promote radical youth-led climate actions towards sustainable development and a climate-resilient Namibia. More Info

10. Okahandja Samaritans Network (OSN)

 Okahandja, Otjozondjupa 
The Okahandja Samaritans Network (OSN) is a community-based, non-profit making organisation established in 2001 and registered with the Ministry of Health and Social Services. We are serving the community of Okahandja and surrounding areas. More Info


 Windhoek, Khomas 
RISE Namibia is an indigenous NGO. It is a community development process facilitator, a catalyst, that works with households and CBOs, building capacity to enable people to take charge of their own destiny/improve livelihoods & to build resilience. More Info

12. Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia (SDFN), supported by Namibia Housing Action Group (NHAG) Trust

 Windhoek, Khomas 
The Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia (SDFN) is a community-based network of housing saving schemes, aiming to improve the living conditions of urban and rural poor. SDFN is an affiliate of Shack/Slum Dwellers International (SDI). More Info

13. Vendors Initiative for Social & Economic Transformation (VISET) Namibia

 Windhoek, Khomas 
VISET Namibia is a registered non-partisan membership-based NGO established as a regional chapter to promote the participation of vendors in economic, policy and legislative processes for the sustainability of livelihoods. More Info

14. Women’s Action for Development (WAD)

 Windhoek, Khomas 
Women’s Action for Development (WAD) is a Namibian-based non-profitmaking, non-partisan NGO which has been operational in Namibia since 1994. WAD follows a two-pronged program - socio-economic and socio-political empowerment of rural women and men. More Info

Civil Society Organisations in Namibia

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