News Blog

Recent news around Civil Society Organisations in Namibia

African Anti-Corruption Day - 11 July

African-Anti-Corruption-Day African Anti-Corruption Day

African Anti-Corruption Day is celebrated annually on 11 July. The theme this year is “Effective Whistleblowers Protection Mechanism: A Critical Tool in the Fight Against Corruption".

  74 Hits

Office of the Auditor General - INVITATION to Civil Society Organisations Information Session - 16 July

OAG CSO Information Session - 16 July OAG CSO Information Session - 16 July

Dear colleagues, on 16 July, the Office of the Auditor-General will be hosting an information session for civil society organisations (CSOs) focusing on understanding their role and mandate. During the session, they will outline their role, mandate and work. They will also seek guidance on identifying CSOs with a strategic interest in their work,  for future collaboration.

  146 Hits

CANCELLED - Ministry of Finance & Public Enterprises PPU - INVITATION to a Stakeholders Consultation on the Draft Amendments to Public Procurement Regulations and the Framework Agreement and Pooled Procurement Regulation - 17 July

INVITATION to a Stakeholders Consultation INVITATION to a Stakeholders Consultation

UPDATE:  Cancellation of Stakeholders Consultation on the Draft Amendments to Public Procurement Regulations and the Framework Agreement and Pooled Procurement Regulation
HOUSE OF DEMOCRACY 70 72 FRANS INDONGO STREET 240716 130434 page 0001

  215 Hits

Participatory Budgeting Training Held in Windhoek by the EPDN with Civil Society Umbrella Organisations

Credible CSOs’ roles in the policy process of Namibia: Participatory budgeting Credible CSOs’ roles in the policy process of Namibia: Participatory budgeting

Last week, from 3 to 5 July 2024, the Enhancing Participatory Democracy Partnership Programme (EPDN)* conducted a three-day training on participatory budgeting at Thuringer Hof in Windhoek. The training brought together representatives from civil society umbrella organisations, aiming to enhance their capacity to engage in Namibia's national budget process.

  173 Hits

INVITATION to Civil society consultation with the Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises - 15 July

MFPE Mid-Term Budget Review Consultations with CSOs MFPE Mid-Term Budget Review Consultations with CSOs

Dear civil society activist,

On behalf of the IPPR and CIVIC +264, we would like to invite you to a budget consultation meeting with the Minister of Finance and Public Enterprises to take place on the afternoon of Monday 15 July. Please find further details in the attached invitation letter.

  255 Hits

CIVIC +264 - INVITATION to Stakeholder Session in Walvis Bay, Erongo Region for CSOs and Local Authority & Regional Council - 11 June 2024

CIVC-264-Activity-2024-06-11-Stakeholder-Session-WB-Poster_BT INVITATION to Stakeholder Session in Walvis Bay, Erongo Region - 11 June

Dear Civil Society Colleagues in Walvis Bay & Swakopmund,

Kindly take note of the below invitation and programme for our next Stakeholder Session in Walvis Bay, Erongo Region. We would greatly appreciate your response and participation.

DATE: Tuesday, 11 June 2024
TIME: 08h30 to 13:00
VENUE: Boardroom, PKF Financial Consulting Services (Pty) Ltd, 128 6th Street, Walvis Bay

  341 Hits

IPPR Invitation: Data Deficits undermine governance & oversight - 29 May

Invitation-Data-Deficits-undermine-governance--oversight Invitation: Data Deficits undermine governance & oversight

Join the IPPR on Wednesday, 29 May at 10:00 at the House of Democracy for the launch of their latest Procurement Tracker Bulletin on Data Deficits undermine governance & oversights. RSVP to

  211 Hits

Invitation to online Participation in the Validation workshop of the draft GRN-CSO Partnership and Engagement Policy 29th-30th May 2024


Message from FROM EPDN team regarding an Invitation to online Participation in the Validation workshop of the draft GRN-CSO Partnership and Engagement Policy  29th-30th May 2024

On the 29th-30th May 2024, the National Planning Commission (NPC) will be hosting a two-day workshop. This workshop is dedicated to the validation of the draft GRN-CSO Partnership and Engagement Policy 

  826 Hits

Invitation to Stakeholder Consultation & Request for Comments on the Draft Public Finance Management Bill, Ministry of Finance

PFM-Bill Stakeholder Consultation & Comments on Draft Bill

The Ministry of Finance and Public Enterprises has extended an invitation to civil society organisations (CSOs) to a stakeholder consultation on the draft Public Finance Management (PFM) Bill on 26 April 2024. The Ministry has also requested written comments by 31 March on the draft PFM Bill which is aimed at replacing the State Finance Act, 1991 (Act No. 31 of 1991).

  857 Hits

NPC - Regional & Constituency Consultations of the 6th National Development Plan - 5 Feb to 29 March 2024

Regional-and-Constituency-Consultations-of-NDP6 Regional & Constituency Consultations of NDP6

The National Planning Commission (NPC) embarks on the regional and constituency consultations of the Sixth National Development Plan (NDP) under the theme "Fostering Recovery, Inclusiveness, and Resilience for Quality and Sustainable Development."

  1278 Hits

Condolences on the Passing of President Dr. Hage G. Geingob


4 February 2024 | The Namibia Media Trust (NMT) expresses its deepest condolences on the passing of President Dr. Hage Gottfried Geingob, President of the Republic of Namibia. In this sombre moment, it is essential to reflect on his profound commitment to press freedom, a cornerstone of his legacy that has positively shaped the media landscape in Namibia.

  909 Hits

CIVIC BEAT - CIVIC +264 wishes you the best for the festive season and a joyous new year!

CIVIC-264-Festive-Card-2023-SM-Web-Cover_BT CIVIC BEAT - V‍olume 2 Issue 2 ~ December 2023

Dear Esteemed Stakeholder, the Civil Society Inofrmation Centre Namibia (CIVIC +264) wishes you the best for the festive season and a joyous new year! Kindly take note that the CIVIC +264 office will be closed from 22 December 2023 to 5 January 2024. We will re-open again on 8 January 2024. We wish you a happy and healthy holiday.

  494 Hits

IPPR - Call for Inputs: International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) - 1 December 2023

Call-for-Inputs---ICCPR Call for Inputs – ICCPR

The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) and Centre for Civil and Political Rights (CCPR) invites Namibian civil society representatives to contribute to a report that will be submitted to the UN Human Rights Committee for discussion when Namibia appears before the committee in March 2024.

  1478 Hits

EU - Global Call for Proposals: NDICI-Global Europe Thematic Programme on Human Rights and Democracy - 31 January 2024

396718958_665905668980872_4147125361840483406_n EU Global Call for Proposals

New call for projects on Business and Human Rights, and discrimination based on gender or religion: - Information Session: 9 November 2023 - Send an email to register to indicating: name, surname, nationality and email address of the persons who are going to participate and their organisation (max. two participants per organisation)

  1463 Hits

INVITATION to Publication Launch - Channels for Change: A Guide to Setting Up Civil Society Organisations in Namibia - 30 October 2023

CIVC-264-Activity-2023-10-30-Guide-to-Setting-Up-CSOs---INVITATION_B_20231024-111424_1 Guide to Setting Up CSOs

Dear Partner / Stakeholder,

You are invited to attend our upcoming publication launch Channels for Change: A Guide to Setting Up Civil Society Organisations in Namibia written by Dianne Hubbard for the Civil Society Information Centre Namibia (CIVIC +264).

  833 Hits

Inclusion in the 4th Edition of the Guide to Civil Society in Namibia - 26 October 2023

CIVIC-264-Activity-2023-10-31-Guide-to-Civil-Society-in-Namibia---Poster_BT-V2F Guide to Civil Society in Namibia

Dear Civil Society Colleague, the Civil Society Information Centre Namibia (CIVIC +264) is preparing the 4th Edition of the Guide to Civil Society in Namibia: An Overview of the Mandate and Activities of Civil Society Organisations in Namibia. We are looking forward to the possibility of featuring your organisation. The Guide aims to introduce stakeholders to dedicated non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and civil society organisations (CSOs), highlighting their mandates, activities, contact details and the sectors in which they operate.

  1310 Hits

INVITATION - ReachOut Namibia NGO Seminar: Optimizing NGO engagement for impact - 28 October 2023

ReachOut-Namibia-NGO-Seminar-Flyer-2023 ReachOut Namibia NGO Seminar

ReachOut Namibia Charity Foundation will be hosting its second NGO Seminar under the theme: "Optimizing engagement for impact". The Seminar will see the presence of various Namibian NGOs, Community Based organizations and Charity organizations, sharing impact stories, challenges and how to better serve their respective communities. The event is scheduled for Saturday 28 October 2023, and will take place in Rundu, Kavango East Region.

  1199 Hits

IPPR INVITATION - Access To Information for CSOs: A focus group discussion - 2 October 2023

IPPR-2023-10-02 IPPR ATI for CSOs Focus Group Discussion

INVITATION | The Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) seeks to develop a toolkit to help civil society actors to navigate access to information systems and processes that will be rolled out with the implementation of the Access to Information Act of 2022.

  922 Hits

INVITATION: FIC Consultation Session with NPOs on Registration & Filing Annual Returns - 22 September 2023

FIC-Activity-2023-09-22-CSOs-Consultation-Session FIC Consultation Session with NPOs - 22 September 2023

Please take note that the FIC will be hosting a Consultation Session tomorrow, 22 September from 09:00 to 12:00 at the Hilton Hotel Windhoek. This session is open to both CSOs/NPOs and Churches/FBOs and will serve as a feedback session on the questions, comments and concerns from the briefing meeting earlier this week. Mr Kristian Hamutenya, Deputy Director: Compliance Supervision & Strategic Analysis Division, will be in attendance.

  1011 Hits

CSOs Briefing Meeting with FIC on NPO Registration & Filing of Annual Returns - 18 September 2023

CIVIC-264-Activity-2023-09-15-Meeting-FIC---Web_BT FIC on NPO Registration & Filing of Annual Returns

Reference is made to the Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) notice CALLING ON ALL NON-PROFIT ORGANISATIONS: REGISTRATION DEADLINE WITH THE FINANCIAL INTELLIGENCE CENTRE AND FILING ANNUAL RETURNS. Faith-based organisations (FBOs), religious bodies and NPOs involved in charitable services are all required to register with the FIC no later than 29 September 2023

  638 Hits


FIC-logo Financial Inteligence Centre

FIC Calling on All NPOs Registration Deadline with the FIC Filing Annual Returns 29 September 2023

    The Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) is tasked with the coordination of Namibia's Anti-Money Laundering, Combatting the Financing of Terrorism and Proliferation (AMU/CFI/CPF) activities. In furtherance of this mandate, the FIC supervises Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs), amongst other sectors, as per the Financial Intelligence Act, 2012.
  1879 Hits

NICG - FIREPLACE CONVERSATIONS: Governance of Non-Profit Organisations & Civil Society Organisations - 24 August 2023


On Thursday, 24 August, our Coordinator, Mrs Melanie Markus, will be participating in the Namibia Institute of Corporate Governance (NICG)'s FIREPLACE CONVERSATIONS. She will be joined by Mr Norman Tjombe, Partner & Director at Tjombe-Elago Incorporated, and Mr Ronny Dempers, Executive Director of the Namibia Development Trust (NDT), for a discussion on the governance of non-profit organisations & civil society organisations (including CBOs - community-based organisations, FBOs - faith-based organisations, charitable organisations, and clubs).

  939 Hits

Namibian Youth Celebrate International Youth Day at #YouthQuakeNam23 on Digital Inclusion for Youth Democratic Participation

NMT-YouthQuakeNam23-cover #YouthQuakeNam23

The Namibia Media Trust (NMT) hosted its fifth annual YouthQuake conference on 12 August 2023, along the sidelines of International Youth Day in Windhoek. The conference provided a dynamic platform for young Namibians to explore the intersection of digital inclusion and democratic engagement under the theme "Digital Inclusion for Youth Democratic Participation".

  752 Hits

READ | CIVIC BEAT Newsletter: May to July 2023 Highlights & Events

CIVIC-BEAT-CIVIC-264-Web CIVIC BEAT Volume 2 Issue 1

Dear Civil Society Colleagues and Esteemed Stakeholders,

We are thrilled to present the latest edition of CIVIC BEAT, our electronic newsletter covering the period from May to July 2023. Stay informed and engaged by accessing the newsletter through this convenient link:

  920 Hits

'I support equal rights for ALL' - INVITATION to take a stand in CSOs' campaign

I-support-equal-rights-for-ALL---INVITATION-to-take-a-stand-in-CSOs-campaign-cover-final 'I support equal rights for ALL'

You are invited to take a stand in our campaign 'I support equal rights for ALL: Taking a stand of love for all in the Namibian family'. Many of us are feeling powerless as the supremacy of our constitution is being torn apart by politicians in the name of misinformation about our LGBT brothers and sisters.

  1093 Hits

Namibia Scientific Society INVITATION: Creating Awareness for the Constitution of Namibia - 10 August 2023

NSS-INVITATION-Creating-Awareness-for-the-Constitution-of-Namibia-cover Creating Awareness for the Constitution of Namibia

Konrad Adenauer Stiftung Namibia-Angola and Namibia Scientific Society in collaboration with Mindsinaction STEAM invite you to celebrate the accessibility of The Constitution of Namibia via Mobile App, in Braille and several local languages.

  852 Hits

CIVIC +264 Hosts Information Sharing and Networking Session with CSOs and Local Political Office Bearers in Rundu

CIVIC-264-Activity-2023-07-24-Info-Session-Rundu-PICTURE-Cove_20230731-065958_1 CIVIC +264 Information Session in Rundu

On 25 July 2023, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) active in and around Rundu were brought together for an Information Sharing and Networking Session organised by the Civil Society Information Centre Namibia (CIVIC +264) with the support of the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF). The event took place at the Kavango River Lodge and aimed to foster collaboration, information-sharing, and networking among CSOs while introducing them to the services provided by CIVIC +264.

  876 Hits

PRESS RELEASE | 100 civil society organizations around the world in defence of Civic Space in Angola demand new law on NGOs to be withdrawn

100-CSOs-in-defence-of-Civic-Space-in-Angola 100 CSOs in defence of Civic Space in Angola

5 July 2023 | 100 civil society organizations worldwide signed a statement today against the “Estatuto das Organizações Não-Governamentais” (Status of non-governmental organisations), a new draft law regulating civil society in Angola presented by the government of João Lourenço.

  1272 Hits

DW Akademie, NMT & IPPR - Survey on training needs for civil society - 30 June 2023

DW-Akademie-NMT--IPPR---Survey-on-training-needs-for-civil-society---20-June-2023 Survey on training needs for civil society

The 'New Voices, New Narratives in Public Policy Discourse' project – an initiative of DW Akademie, the Namibia Media Trust (NMT) and the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) – is looking to develop a training curriculum for media and civil society to engage in meaningful, creative and constructive ways around public policy issues in Namibia. The project is supported by the European Union (EU). 

  932 Hits

CIVIC +264 Hosts Information-Sharing and Networking Session in Otjiwarongo

CIVIC +264 Information Session in Otjiwarongo CIVIC +264 Information Session in Otjiwarongo

KALEB NGHISHIDIVALI, OTJI FM | CIVIC +264 hosted an information-sharing and networking event for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Otjiwarongo yesterday [20 June 2023], with the help of the Hanns Seidel Foundation Namibia (HSF). The gathering allowed local CSOs to engage while also allowing CIVIC +264 to exchange information on the most recent events affecting CSOs on a national level.

  1210 Hits

EPDN - Outcome of the Government of the Republic of Namibia - Civic Organisations Partnership Policy (GRN-COPP) Review

Final-Report-GRN-COPP-REVIEW-November-2022_-1 EPDN - Outcome of the GRN-COPP Review

The outcome of the Government of the Republic of Namibia - Civic Organisations Partnership Policy (GRN-COPP) review is now available - in the form of a report. 

  647 Hits

FES - Invitation: Fireside Chat, the Colonial Past in Today's Namibia - 22 June 2023

FES-Fireside-ChatInvitation20230612 Fireside Chat, the Colonial Past in Today's Namibia

Join the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) on 22 June 2023 for a Fireside Chat on the Colonial Past in Today's Namibia.

  602 Hits

Office of the President, NPC - Invitation to the Launch of the Sixth National Development Plan (NDP6) Process - 22 June 2023

INVITATION-Launch-of-the-Sixth-National-Development-Plan-NDP6-Process INVITATION: Launch of the Sixth National Development Plan (NDP6) Process

The National Planning Commission (NPC) is commencing the formulation of the Sixth National Development Plan (NDP 6) following the completion of NDP5 in March 2022. The NPC has received approval from the Cabinet to prioritize the implementation of the Harambee Prosperity Plan (HPPIl) and Extended NDP5 for the period 2022/2023 - 2024/2025, with HPPII serving as the Development Framework.

  1117 Hits

LAC Press Release - President Hage Geingob warning locals not to interfere in the green hydrogen project being developed in Tsau//Khaeb National Park - 31 May 2023

LAC-log_20230602-093106_1 LAC Press Release on President Hage Geingob warning locals

On 31 May 2023, the Legal Assistance Centre Namibia (LAC) issued a press release expressing deep concern over the statement by President Hage Geingob in The Namibian of 29 May 2023 warning locals not to interfere in the green hydrogen project being developed in Tsau//Khaeb National Park.

  908 Hits

CIVIC +264 Engages CSOs in the Khomas Region & Welcomes a New Coordinator

20230531-WINDHOEK-Group-Pictur_20230601-105217_1 Information Sharing & Networking Session in Windhoek, KHOMAS Region

On 31 May 2023, the Civil Society Information Centre Namibia (CIVIC +264) hosted an information sharing and networking session for civil society organisations (CSOs) in Windhoek with the support of the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF). The event aimed to provide an opportunity for local CSOs to interact and for CIVIC +264 to share information on the latest developments impacting CSOs at a national level. The event also served as an opportunity to introduce CIVIC +264 and its new coordinator, Mrs Melanie Markus, who takes over from Ms Carola Engelbrecht. 

  807 Hits

APRM - Request for EoI for Consultant to Support the Development of a National Governance Report for Namibia - 16 May 2023

APRM Request for EoI for Consultant to Develop NGR for Namibia APRM Request for EoI for Consultant to Develop NGR for Namibia

The African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) is requesting expressions of interest (EoI) for an individual consultant to support the development of the National Governance Report (NGR) of the Republic of Namibia. Bid closes on 16 May 2023 at 11.00 SAST.

  1073 Hits

INVITATION to EAN Study Launch - Universal Health Coverage in Namibia: Using PPP Synergies for Equitable Health Outcomes - 27 April 2023

Universal Health Coverage in Namibia Universal Health Coverage in Namibia

Join the Economic Association of Namibia (EAN) on Thursday, 27 April 2023, at the House of Democracy, Windhoek, for the launch of their study on Universal Health Coverage in Namibia: Using PPP Synergies for Equitable Health Outcomes

  479 Hits

Namibian civil society engages Rainer Baake & James Mnyupe on Namibia’s Green Hydrogen Opportunity

Namibia's Green Hydrogen Opportunity Namibia's Green Hydrogen Opportunity

On Wednesday, 5 April 2023, Namibian civil society representatives engaged the Special Envoy for German- Namibian climate & energy relations, Mr Rainer Baake, and the Namibian Presidential Economic Advisor, Mr James Mnyupe on Namibia’s Green Hydrogen Opportunity.

  1132 Hits

Invitation to LAC Publication Launch - Extractive Industry & Displacement of Communities: Tsumeb Experience - 4 April 2023

1 Extractive Industry & Displacement of Communities: Tsumeb Experience

Join the Legal Assistance Centre (LAC) on Tuesday, 4 April 2023, at the House of Democracy for the launch of their publication on “The Extractive Industry and displacement of communities: THE TSUMEB EXPERIENCE” - a research report by the Land Environment and Development project. 

  685 Hits

Shack Dwellers Federation of Namibia & Nambia Housing Action Group (NHAG) Trust's Annual Report 2021/2022

12 SDFN & NHAG Annual Report 2021/2022

To date, the Nambia Housing Action Group (NHAG)’s contributions have resulted in many accomplishments, tangible and intangible. Until June 2022, the Shack Dwellers Federation with the technical support of NHAG and funding through the Twahangana fund, have built a total of 7,244 houses for poor and low-income people in Namibia.

  1035 Hits

Office of the President, NPC - Request for Inputs on the Draft National Monitoring & Evaluation Policy & the Implementation Plan - 31 March 2023

INPUTS-ON-THE-DRAFT-NATIONAL-MONITORING-AND-EVALUATION Request for Inputs on the Draft NM&E and Implemation Plan

The National Planning Commission (NPC) is requesting inputs from all stakeholders in Civil Society on the Draft National Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Policy and the Implementation Plan. The deadline to submit inputs is 31 March 2023.

  1411 Hits

LAC - Invitation to Publication Launch: Climate Change Challenges for Marginal Communities In Namibia - 10 March 2023

Invitation_Launch_Climate-Change-Research-Report Invitation Launch Climate Change Research Report

Join the Legal Assistance Centre (LAC) tomorrow, 10 March 2023, at the House of Democracy for the launch of their publication on “Voices In The Dark Green: Climate Change Challenges for Marginal Communities In Namibia” - a research report by the Land Environment and Development project.

  805 Hits

Y-Fem Namibia Trust - INVITATION to Equal Protection March for Inclusive Langauage in the Combating Domestic Violence Amendment Act 6 of 2022 - 8 March 2023

Y-Fem-Equal-Protection-March Y-Fem Equal Protection March

Join the Young Feminists Movement (Y-Fem Namibia Trust) on 8 March 2023 for a peaceful protest, advocating for more effective protection which is inclusive of all bodies, as well as gender neutral language in the Combating Domestic Violence Act 6 of 2022.

  772 Hits

Namibia Celebrates World NGO Day 2023

World-NGO-Day-2023 World NGO Day 2023

Today, 27 February 2023, Namibian civil society organisations (CSOs) kicked off the World NGO Day Celebrations in Namibia with a media conference at the House of Democracy, Windhoek. There are two remaining events scheduled during the week to engage non-governmental organisations (NGOs) or CSOs on policy through a workshop and to celebrate the work of CSOs at a networking braai which is open to the public. See the outline of events below: 

  1107 Hits

LAC - Civil Society Registration Laws: Malign or Benign?

LAC Input on Draft Civic Organisations Partnership Policy LAC Input on Draft Civic Organisations Partnership Policy

LEGAL ASSISTANCE CENTRE | While these general objectives [of the Government of the Republic of Namibia Civic Organisations (GRN-CO) Partnership Policy] are positive in themselves, a worrying factor is the theme of Government involvement in mobilising, shaping, and influencing civil society – which is, by definition, separate from Government.

  653 Hits

LAC - Learn about the Law: Statutes & Summaries on the Three Branches of Government - 22 February 2023

Three Branches of Government Three Branches of Government

Join the Legal Assistance Centre (LAC) on Wednesday, 22 February, at the House of Demcracy for the launch of their publication on the Three Branches of Government. RSVP to

  865 Hits

IPPR - Invitation to a Presentation & Panel Discussion on Namibia's Foreign Policy and Human Rights - 21 February 2023

Namibia's Foreign Policy and Human Rights Namibia's Foreign Policy and Human Rights

On Tuesday, 21 February, the IPPR will host a panel discussion and presentation at the Hilton Hotel on Namibia's Foreign Policy and Human Rights. RSVP to by 20 February to confirm your seat.

  873 Hits

Inauguration of the Taskforce Committee on the Implementation of the recommendations in the APRM Targeted Review Report on Youth Unemployment in the Republic of Namibia


03 February 2023: Hon. Emma Kantema-Gaomas, Deputy Minister of Sport, Youth and National Service inaugurated the Taskforce Committee on the Implementation of the recommendations in the APRM Targeted Review Report on Youth Unemployment in the Republic of Namibia.

  567 Hits

Public Call for Nominations to join the NamIGF Working Group - 10 February 2023


The Namibia Internet Governance Forum (NamIGF) has issued a public call for nominations for new working group members. More information is available the flyer below. Nominations can be submitted latest by 10 February 2023 to

  587 Hits

CIVIC +264 Wishes you a Merry Christmas & a Joyous New Year

CIVIC +264 Holidays 2022 CIVIC +264 Holidays 2022

The Civil Society Information Centre Namibia (CIVIC +264) wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year. The CIVIC +264 office will close on 19 December 2022 and reopen on 9 January 2023.

  734 Hits

IPPR - Invitation to the launch of Civil Society Organisation Sustainability Index - 29 November 2022

CSOSI-Launch-20221129 The Institute for Public Policy Research invites you to the launch of: Civil Society Organisation Sustainability index

Join the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) Namibia for the launch of the Civil Society Organisation Sustainability Index on 29 November 2022 at 10:00 at the House of Democracy, Windhoek. The CSO Sustainability Index – covers issues facing Namibian civil society across seven dimensions: Legal Environment, Organisational Capacity, Financial Viability, Advocacy, Service Provision, Sectoral Infrastructure, and Public Image.

  1516 Hits

Fishrot – A Call For Restorative Justice: Namibian & Global Civil Society Urge Action

Fishrot Media Release 20221121 Fishrot – A Call For Restorative Justice: Namibian & Global Civil Society Urge Action

On 12 November 2022, the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) Namibia and Transparency International Iceland issued a joint media release supported by over 20 Namibian civil society organisations (CSOs) and international anti-corruption activists on the Fishrot scandal. The joint media release calls for restorative justice, specifically for:

  1197 Hits

NID - Call for Private Sector and Govt Investment in Local NGOs

NID Logo

AARON BUCKLEY | Namibia is a nation teeming with opportunities. Everywhere  you look, people are hungry for success.

A country built on free market principles, with a people questing for equal economic participation in its development. Namibia has many commonly known successes; it re mains one of the only countries in the world with a robust environmental policy enshrined in its constitution combined with a strong governmental investment that could lead to a direct betterment for all citizens.

  1380 Hits

Ministry of Finance - INVITATION to Consultative Meeting with CSOs on the Proposed Sovereign Wealth Fund Draft Bill - 1 November 2022

INVITATION to Consultative Meeting with CSOs on the Proposed Sovereign Wealth Fund Draft Bill

Active civil society organisations (CSOs) are invited to join the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) Namibia and the Civil Society Information Centre Namibia (CIVIC +264) for a consultative meeting with the Ministry of Finance (MoF) on the proposed Sovereign Wealth Fund Draft Bill. This meeting will take place on Tuesday, 1 November 2022, at 14:30 at the House of Democracy, 70-72 Dr Frans Indongo Street.

  1316 Hits

PUBLIC MEETINGS INVITATION: Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for Windhoek Municipality and Townlands - 31 October to 10 November 2022


The Windhoek Municipal Council has commissioned a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for the City of Windhoek. The Consultant on behalf of the Municipality is inviting interested and affected parties (IAPs) to public meetings scheduled between 31 October to 10 November 2022 - for sharing the findings in the Baseline Status Quo Report (BSQR) and for providing further input in the identification of important environmental, social and economic issues regarding the Municipality into the SEA process.

  1020 Hits

ACTION Namibia Coalition - Call for Input: Draft Namibian Digital Rights Declaration - 21 October 2022


The draft Namibian Digital Rights Declaration, an initiative of the ACTION Namibia Coalition, presents an opportunity for Namibians to articulate their aspirations on telecommunications and internet governance in Namibia.

  808 Hits

CIVIC +264 - INVITATION to Civil Society Exhibition & Networking Event - 19 & 20 October 2022


On 19 and 20 October 2022, from 10:00 to 16:30, the Civil Society Information Centre Namibia (CIVIC +264) will host a Civil Society Exhibition & Networking Event at the Gateway Conference Centre, Khomasdal in Windhoek.

  1168 Hits

LAC - INVITATION Advocacy Advice for Civil Society - 17, 24 & 31 October 2022


Join the Legal Assistance Centre (LAC) on 17, 24 and 31 October 2022 from 14h00 to 17h00 at the House of Democracy for Advocacy Advice for Civil Society. Please RSVP to Celine at 061-223356 or

  878 Hits

NPC - PUBLIC NOTICE: Review of the Government of the Republic of Namibia Civic Organisations Partnership Policy - 10 to 24 October 2022


In September, the National Planning Commission (NPC) issued a public notice regarding the review of the 2005 Government of the Republic of Namibia Civic Organisations (GRN-CO) Partnership Policy. Civic organisations are invited to participate in regional workshops, scheduled between 10 and 24 October 2022

  1244 Hits

IPPR - Invitation to Webinar on Mandatory SIM Card registration and data retention - 31 August 2022

IPPR Webinar Comms Act

Join the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) and Global Partners Digital on Wednesday, 31 August 2022 at 10:00 for a Webinar on Mandatory SIM Card registration and data retention under part 6 of the Communications Act of 2009: Unpacking threats to media freedom in Namibia.

  1043 Hits

CIVIC +264 Hosts Civil Society Workshop on the Government of the Republic of Namibia Civic Organisations Partnership Policy and Related Matters


On Monday, 22 August 2022, the Civil Society Information Centre Namibia (CIVIC +264) hosted a Workshop on the Government of the Republic of Namibia Civic Organisations Partnership Policy  (GRN-COPP) and related matters. 

  1272 Hits

IPPR - Invitation to Integrity Namibia Anti-corruption Webinar - 23 August 2022


Join the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) Namibia today, 23 August 2022, at 14:30 for a webinar on how to build effective anti-corruption movements - focussing on experiences from other African countries.

  737 Hits

CIVIC BEAT: Read our First CIVIC +264 Newsletter!


In June the Civil Society Information Centre Namibia (CIVIC +264) conducted information sharing and networking sessions in Rehoboth and Mariental and hosted a briefing session on the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) process in Namibia. Read more about CIVIC +264 and its work in our first newsletter by clicking on the following link:

  1001 Hits

Call for Proposals: SADC Challenge Fund for NPOs Supporting Women Economic Development - 12 August 2022


This Call for Proposals will close on 12 August 2022 at 12:00 AM/midnight (GMT+2, SAST). The competition is open to Non-profit-making organisations (NPOs) registered in SADC Member States.  Support can be provided to NPOs capacitating women enterprises that aim to establish new business activities or expand their existing services and products.

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CSOs Engage the Minister of Finance on Priorities for 2022/23 Mid-Year Budget Review


On 22 July 2022, the Civil Society Information Centre Namibia (CIVIC +264) and the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) hosted a consultative meeting with the Minister of Finance, Hon. Iipumbu Shiimi, regarding priorities for 2022/23 Mid-Year Budget Review. 

  1107 Hits

CIVIC +264 Engages CSOs & Local Political Office Bearers in the //Kharas Region


//KHARAS REGION INFORMATION SESSIONS | On 14 & 15 July 2022, the Civil Society Information Centre Namibia (CIVIC +264) hosted information sharing and networking sessions in Keetmanshoop and Lüderitz respectively. The sessions provided an opportunity for CIVIC +264 to introduce itself, its website and its FREE services to Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs) which are active in and around Keetmanshoop and Lüderitz.

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INVITATION: Webinar on 'Finding Pathways to Confronting Our Painful Pasts: Looking at Memory Practices of Genocide Commemoration Globally' - 28 July 2022


Join the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) and the Johannesburg Holocaust & Genocide Centre on Thursday, 28 July 2022, from 10:00 to 12:00 for a webinar on 'Finding Pathways to Confronting Our Painful Pasts: Looking at Memory Practices of Genocide Commemoration Globally'.

  830 Hits

IPPR - INVITATION: Launch of the Briefing Paper on 'Assessing the Public Procurement Act of 2022' - 22 July 2022

IPPR PTN 20220722

Join the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) Namibia on Friday, 22 July 2022, from 09:00 to 10:0 at the House of Democracy for the launch of their briefing paper on 'Assessing the Public Procurement Act of 2022'. The IPPR will be reviewing the recent changes made to the Public Procurement Act and ask what impact it will have on the quality of procurement governance.

  966 Hits

NID & VISET - Strengthening the Informal Sector: To Formalise or Not to Formalise - 21 July 2022


Join the Namibia Institute for Democracy (NID) and the Vendors Initiative for Social & Economic Transformation (VISET) Namibia tomorrow, 21 July 2022, from 10:00 to 12:00 at the House of Democracy for a public discussion forum on 'Strengthening the Informal Sector: To Formalise or Not to Formalise'.

  835 Hits

CIVIC +264 & IPPR host Training for Civil Society on the National Budget Process - with MoF & NPC Staff


NATIONAL BUDGET | On Wednesday, 6 July 2022, the Civil Society Information Centre Namibia (CIVIC +264) and the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) hosted a training for civil society on the national budget process - with the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and National Planning Commission (NPC) staff.  The training was aimed at enabling civil society activists to better understand the national budget process. 

  1191 Hits

CIVIC +264 Hosts Civil Society Briefing Meeting on the African Peer Review Mechanism


APRM | On Monday, 27 June 2022, the Civil Society Information Centre Namibia (CIVIC +264) hosted a briefing session on the African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) process in Namibia focusing on the role of civil society. According to the APRM’s documents, civil society is supposed to play a pivotal role in the self-assessment process.

  1130 Hits

CIVIC +264 Engages CSOs & Local Political Office Bearers in the Hardap Region


HARDAP REGION INFORMATION SESSIONS | On 20 & 21 June 2022 the Civil Society Information Centre Namibia (CIVIC +264) hosted information sharing and networking sessions in Rehoboth and Mariental respectively. The sessions provided an opportunity for CIVIC +264 to introduce itself, its website and its FREE services to Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs) which are active in and around Rehoboth and Mariental.

  1065 Hits

HSF & DRFN - Conference invitation: 'The Future of Namibia's Forests - Sustainable Forest Management as Key to Unlock its Potential' - 20 July 2022


Join the Hanns Seidel Foundation (HSF) Namibia and the Desert Research Foundation of Namibia (DRFN) at their upcoming national conference on “The Future of Namibia’s Forests – Sustainable Forest Management as Key to Unlock its Potential” on 20 July 2022 at 08:30 at the Safari Court Hotel Conference Centre. Attendance is by registration only.

  999 Hits

NAAT - Peaceful Demonstration: Stop Discrimination, Killings and Selling of Body Parts - 29 June 2022


Join the Namibian Albinism Association Trust (NAAT) for a peaceful demonstration to stop discrimination killings and selling of body parts on 29 June 2022 at 08:00 from Single Quarters (Open Market) to the Katutura Magistrate Court.

  989 Hits

Hardap CSOs Network - Lend a Hand Donation Drive

Hardap CSOs Network - Lend a Hand Donation Drive

Donate clothes, food and blankets for the less privileged in Rehoboth. Contact the Hardap Region Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) Network team - Mrs Jeanne on +264 81 216 2863 or Mrs Maryna on +264 81 318 9859 - for deliveries.

  825 Hits

BIG - International Day of the African Child: Ending Multidimensional Child Poverty in Namibia - 16 June 2022


As part of observing the International Day of the African Child, the Basic Income Grant Coalition (BIG) of Namibia is hosting a public event themed 'Ending Multidimensional Child Poverty in Namibia'. The FREE event will be held today, 16 June, at the Katutura Multi Purpose Youth Centre, from 14h30 to 16h30.

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IPPR - Strengthening Democracy Conference - 22 June 2022


Join the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) Namibia for a conference on Strengthening Democracy on Wednesday, 22 June 2022, from 09:00 to 17:00 at the Safari Court Hotel and Conference Centre.

  951 Hits

Ministry of Justice - Invitation to Divorce Bill Consultation - 22 June 2022


The Minister of Justice has extended an invitation to Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) in light of the imminent proposed amendments to the divorce bill law. A targeted stakeholder consultation is scheduled to place on 22 June 2022 from 09:00 to 11:00.

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SOS Children’s Villages Namibia - Call for Expression of Interest: Board Secretary - 17 June 2022


The SOS Children’s Villages (SV) Namibia is a member association of SOS Children’s Villages International, one of the world’s leading international children’s charities. SOS Children’s Villages Namibia seeks a consultant to provide board secretarial services to SOS CV Namibia (on a retainer basis), as detailed in the full Terms of Reference (ToR) – available on request.

  1325 Hits

NEWS - TALK Boundaries to Wildlife Movements in Namibia - 7 June 2022


Tuesday, 7th June at 19h00: The Namibian Environment & Wildlife Society (NEWS) in cooperation with Namibia Scientific Society invites the public to a public talk by Josephine Amwaalwa: Boundaries to Wildlife Movements in Namibia

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Join the Internet Society (ISOC) Namibia Chapter and stakeholders on Tuesday, 7 June 2022, at 08h30 for the virtual launch of the SADC Report on Online Gender-Based Violence in Southern Africa in Namibia.

  1091 Hits

IPPR - Launch of the Open Budget Survey, Namibia Results - 1 June 2022


The Open Budget Survey (OBS) is the world’s only comparative, independent, and regular assessment of public participation in budget processes, oversight and budget transparency in 120 countries. Join the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) Namibia on Wednesday, 1 June 2022, at 10h00 as they present the findings for Namibia for 2021.

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Amani and Mazingira Presidential Award - 22 May 2022

Amani and Mazingira Presidential Award

This afternoon, the National Planning Commission (NPC) notified the Civil Society Information Centre Namibia (CIVIC +264) of the Amani and Mazingira Presidential Award ("the Award"). The DEADLINE for nominations for the Award is 22 May 2022 at 00h00.

"The aim of the AWARD is to promote global efforts to strengthen multilateralism, particularly in the areas of environment protection, sustainable development and peace and security. The Award Winner will receive global publicity and recognition, a state commendation, and monetary gift of USD 20 000 during the award ceremony".

  1040 Hits

KAYEC Trust - Entrepreneurship Day - 21 May 2022


Join the KAYEC Trust on Saturday, 21 May 2022, from 10:00 onwards for their Entrepreneurship Day at the KAYEC Wanaheda Centre (corner of Kampala and City Streets). KAYEC's trainees will showcase their handmade products.

  895 Hits

ACTION Coalition Statement - Namibian Police Should Respect Human Rights - 17 May 2022

ACTION Coalition

Today, 17 May 2022, the ACTION Coalition issued a press statement expressing its concern about the use of excessive force by the Police in response to the public protest near China Town in Windhoek on Friday, 13 May 2022.

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The Environmental Compliance Consultancy (ECC) has issued a notice and invitation to stakeholders and potentially affected parties of an environmental assessment and public meeting scheduled for 18 May 2022 at 18:30 at the Namibia Scientific Society. This is regarding the proposed Ongombo Copper Project for underground mining activities within EPL 5772, Khomas Region, Windhoek.

  1250 Hits

INVITATION TO KEY STAKEHOLDER WORKSHOPS: Hyphen Green Hydrogen Export Project - Windhoek, Lüderitz, Aus, Rosh Pinah and Oranjemund - 16 to 20 May 2022


The Southern African Institute for Environmental Assessment (SAIEA) has issued a reminder of the upcoming workshops listed below. Please take note that the venue for the workshop in Aus has been changed.

  1021 Hits

Bank of Namibia - Launch of the Welwitschia Sovereign Wealth Fund - 12 May 2022


The Bank of Namibia with the Ministry of Finance will officially launch the Welwitschia Sovereign Wealth Fund today, 12 May 2022 at 10:00. Watch the launch LIVE on the Bank of Namibia's Facebook page <>.

  1210 Hits

Finnish Embassy - Fund for Local Cooperation: Call for Proposals 2022-2024 is open - 16 May 2022


The Fund for Local Cooperation (FLC) of the Embassy of Finland in Windhoek is an instrument for funding non-profit projects in Namibia. The call for proposals for project implementation in 2022-2024 is now open. Proposals must be submitted by 16:15 (GMT/UTC+2) on May 16, 2022.

  1969 Hits

Canada Fund for Local Initiatives - Call for Proposals - 6 May 2022


The 2022 call for proposals for the Canada Fund for Local Initiatives (CFLI) in Namibia, South Africa, Lesotho, Madagascar and Mauritius is now open. Interested organisations are invited to submit an expression of interest by 6 May 2022 at 17:00 SAST. The expression of interest can be submitted online using the following web form:

  1538 Hits

IPPR - Invitation to the Launch of the Briefing Paper on Namibia's Tourism Industry - 5 May 2022


Join the Institute for Public Policy Research (IPPR) Namibia on Thursday, 5 May 2022, at the House of Democracy for the launch of their briefing paper on Namibia's Tourism Industry: Post-Covid Bounce Back, Gradual Recovery of Transformation

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Press Release by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform Administration - 26 April 2022


On 26 April 2022, the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Land Reform (MAWLR) issued a press release stating that they have been receiving continuous complaints suggesting corruption, fraud and misconduct by officials, possible beneficiaries and other parties in relation to land acquisition, allotment and procurement.

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Spark Fund - Call for Applications from Youth-led and Youth-focused Groups and Organisations - 30 April 2022

Spark Fund

The Spark Fund has an open call for applications from youth-led and youth-focused groups and organisations from Namibia, Lesotho and Zimbabwe that are working to create transformational change and improve the lives of young people and their communities. Applications close on 30 April 2022.

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U.S. Embassy - Webinar on Frameworks for Climate Change Adaptation - 27 April 2022

U.S. Embassy Namibia logo

Join the U.S. Embassy on Wednesday, 27 April 2022 from 15:30 to 17:00 for a webinar on Frameworks for Climate Change Adaptation. 

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Save the Okavango Delta Peaceful Protest for Earth Day - 22 April 2022

Save the Okavango Delta Peaceful Protest for Earth Day

Today, 22 April 2022, at 12:00, there will be a peaceful protest from Zoo Park to the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism to save the Okavango Delta.

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Music In Africa Foundation - Sound Connects Fund: 2nd Call For Applications - 15 April 2022


The Music In Africa Foundation (MIAF), in partnership with Goethe-Institut, invites organisations operating in Southern Africa’s creative and cultural industries to apply for grants within the Sound Connects Fund (SCF). The second call for applications is now open and will close on 15 April 2022

  1245 Hits

U.S. Embassy - Climate Change Small Grant Opportunity - 12 May

U.S. Embassy Windhoek logo

The U.S. Embassy has flagged a few details about upcoming Climate Change Small Grants from the U.S. State Department’s Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES). The deadline for southern Africa submissions is 12 May.

  1259 Hits

Regain Trust - Invitation to Regional Consultative Meetings with Youth Led & Youth Serving Organisations from the Erongo, Omusati, Oshana and Khomas Regions - 20 to 26 April 2022


INVITATION to Regional Consultative Meetings with youth-led and youth-serving organizations to promote partnerships and collaborations in efforts to address Gender-Based Violence (GBV) and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). The meetings will be conducted by Regain Trust between 20 to 26 April 2022 in the Khomas, Erongo, Omusati and Oshana Regions.

  783 Hits

Ministry of Finance releases Citizen's Guide to the National Budget FY2022/23

MoF Citizen's Guide to the National Budget

The Ministry of Finance (MoF) recently released their latest Citizen's Guide to the National Budget FY2022/23 booklet. The 31-page booklet is available in softcopy on their website and as a hardcopy insert in today's, 8 April 2022, Namibian newspaper.

  1320 Hits

CALL FOR PROPOSALS: "Building resilience of communities living in landscapes threatened under climate change through an ecosystems-based adaptation approach in Namibia" (SAP006-EbA Project) Small Grants Facility


The Environmental Investment Fund of Namibia (EIF) currently has an open Call for Proposals;  approved for funding by the Green Climate Fund entitled “Building resilience of communities living in landscapes threatened under climate change through an ecosystem-based adaptation approach’’ (SAP006-EbA Project). The EIF is the accredited entity for the project. Deadline for applications: 13 May 2022 at 17h00.

  1574 Hits

Civil Society Organisations in Namibia

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